The Gospel is the central message of the Bible and the transforming truth at the heart of all we are as a Gospel-centered church. The Gospel is objective truth, it is experiential grace, and something we look through which we grow in Christ-likeness. Our other values of WORSHIP, COMMUNITY, and MISSION are shaped by this core value.
As a local church, we recognize the need to be in like-minded fellowship with other churches in both our country and around the world. We are affiliated with both The Gospel Coalition and 9Marks, and we affirm the Lausanne Covenant Statement of Faith.
In 2019, TCC marked thirty years since our church began with six couples gathering in an apartment to pray. Since then, we've seen God do some amazing things and we have suffered some difficult seasons. But through it all, God has been faithful to use our church to advance his Kingdom and spur people on to follow Jesus. God is telling an amazing story through his people the Church and we want to celebrate TCC's part in it.
In celebration, we put together a video that tells the story of our church, how we started, how we grew, and where we're headed now!