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by Mike Stanczak on March 15, 2020

Dear Trinity Community Church, Since the first communication regarding COVID-19 was sent out on Friday, we've received a few more important questions on issues that we would like to make more clear. As you are already aware, for safety reasons, we will not be meeting together in the church building until further notice. However, we ask that you continue to use the TCC website and watch for additional emails so we can let you know when we can all be back in the building again. Here are a few of the questions that have come up already:

1) What if I contract the virus and need help beyond my immediate household? 

We realize that it is possible that some in our congregtion may contract the virus and would need help if they and their families are quarantined at home. An important means of discipleship and caring for one another begins within our community groups.  We would like our community groups to be the "first responders" to needs that arise from members within their group since they know you the best. You can reach out to your group leader or others in the group. However, since we are all susceptible to this virus it is important that we all stay connected with one another and we all watch out for one another and our families. If you do not belong to a community group and have need for support, please reach out to our Deacon of Care coordinator, Liz Woody (  or by text at 256-412-0101), and she will attempt to coordinate help from members of the various community groups to see who can step in to provide support. Please be aware that the staff will be doing much of their work from home during this time and so they will not be able to field calls at the church. The best means of contact for staff members will be via email, which can also be found on the TCC website trinitylink.com.

2) Can we still conduct meetings in the church at this time?

Because the church is being sanitized and professionally cleaned, we ask that you NOT meet in the church building until further notice so that we do not work against the efforts of making the building safe from the virus.

3) Should our community groups continue to meet?

We ask that you use caution and discretion regardng whether to meet as a full community group - depending on the size and demographic of the group as well as the space you have available. Some of the people in your group may be in an age range for which the virus is more dangerous and there may also be those who are immunocompromised. We do encourage everyone to keep in regular contact with those in your group via phone and social media, and to be wise and safe about meeting in person. We are sad that we can't all be together in the church building, but we hope you were able to join the online worship via YouTube.

If you missed it, you can watch it by clicking the link below and you can always download and listen to the sermons on the TCC website.  As Mike mentioned in the sermon, although we cannot all be physically together we still want to continue staying connected to one another.

our youtube channel

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  2 Cor. 13:!4  

Tags: church, connected, covid19

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