Online Directory

We want to make it easy for those who opt-in to have a safe, convenient way to connect with others at TCC.

This directory is a private place for the people at TCC to share their contact information with each other. Everyone’s information is already organized and ready to go in their profiles; however, congregants' personal information is always private until they choose to share it.

  • Only people who have been invited to the directory will be able to see the directory or share their information.
  • Each new user has to be approved by TCC staff to get access to the directory.

Church Center App


The Church Center app connects you to:

  • Online Directory (for registered users)
  • Giving
  • Events & Registration
  • Mobile Check-Ins for TCC Kids

Step 1: Download the Church Center App

Step 2: Use location or search for Trinity Community Church


Directory Next Steps

Get Invited to the Directory

If you are new to this process, you can request access to our directory:

Request Directory Access

Check Your Email

After approval, you will receive an email from us asking you to confirm the information we have on file for you. It will ask you to "Yes, share my information"Don't worry! You will have the opportunity to edit your and your household's information/visibility in the next step! 

Log On to Church Center

You can select exactly what information to share for yourself and any other members of your household if applicable, including kids under 18.

  • On the app: Select Directory icon, choose your profile and click edit on top right.
  • On the website: Visit, select Directory, find your profile and choose “edit shared details” on top right.