Series: Psalms
Raging Nations, Laughing God
July 16, 2023 | Cody O'Hara
Passage: Psalms 2:1-12
In the Lord of the Rings, there is a great battle at Helm's Deep in which a seemingly endless force of Orcs are battling towards the Castle. In the movie version, the King says, as the battle rages on, "Is this all that the enemy has?" Ironically, immediately upon saying that, a much stronger force attacks the castle giving the viewer the thought of saying, "O, King, why would you respond that way?" Unlike the Battle at Helm's Deep, Psalm chapter 2 depicts nations and rulers gathering together to rage against the King. And the response of this King is to laugh, and this time we don't have to wait for any ironic stronger foe to make itself known, because this King has the final word. But what might that be? Maybe, we too should ask God, "O, God, why are you laughing?"