Recalibrate 2020: Mission
January 26, 2020 | Steve Bryan
Passage: Romans 15:14-33
God has given us a mission! That may sound strange, but it reflects a way of thinking about the world that is deeply embedded in Scripture – it is the idea that God imbues us with a task and a purpose that mirrors God’s loving purpose in sending his Son into the world. That's why God has tasked us with a certain way of being in the world – to live alongside others as people who above all else love God and love their neighbors. He’s tasked us with living inside a story – a story we tell with ease not only because it is good news but because it shapes everything we do. He’s tasked us with helping others know and live inside that story as well. And he’s tasked us with the responsibility of seeing that done behind and beyond the barriers in our world that keep people from hearing the good news