The Gospel and Hardship
October 30, 2022 | Mike Stancak
Passage: Acts 14:1-28
Series Information

Passage: Acts 14:1-28
This week we begin a series on the book of Acts. The first two...
The disciples return from the Ascension and retire to an upper room...
This Sunday we arrive at the moment the Spirit is given to the Church...
The first scene that follows the launch of the Church is a healing...
Today's passage comes to us as a compare and contrast between the...
The events that started with the healing of the man at the Beautiful...
In this passage of Acts, the Church has seen enormous growth and now...
Stephen is brought before a kangaroo court to defend the claims of...
The Christian movement suffers its first bout of persecution...
The Gospel makes its way to two converts, but the converts couldn't be...
Luke's account in Acts chapter 9 contains the dramatic record of Saul's...
Peter travels north into the coastlands and eventually to Caesarea...
Before the Church has barely internalized the implications of the...
The good news of Jesus is a powerful, life-changing message. But it’s...
Acts 13 marks an important shift in the book of Acts—the Church begins...
This week the Church gathers to work out the implications of Gentile...
Christians are brought together by the unity we share in Christ. This...
When is God working through evangelism? If our message is rejected...
Paul and his team set out to bring the Gospel to Asia Minor, but are...
Paul and his missionary team continue their ministry in Philippi, only...
Paul and Silas are imprisoned for the Gospel, and yet in the dark of...
The proclamation of the Gospel always ends in upheaval. It is either...
When Paul arrives in Athens, he is on the run. Some of those who heard...
Paul enters the city of Corinth full of fear. Rejection and opposition...
In this passage we witness discipleship taking place through major...
Today's passage follows the three scenes in which the Name of Jesus is...
Christianity does not just represent a challenge to opposing religious...
Paul is culminating his ministry thus far. His hopes lie in a journey...
Like Jesus before him, Paul set his face for Jerusalem knowing that the...
Paul summons the Ephesian elders to himself as he prepares to sail for...
Paul arrives at Jerusalem to find himself implicated in an ethnic...
Paul arrived in Rome, knowing that he would suffer for the sake of the...
Paul enters the first of many court scenes that conclude the book of...
Paul is in the custody of the Roman tribune, but he is not yet out of...
Paul now goes before the Judean governor Felix, accused by the...
Paul is not just in a fight for his life; he is in a fight for the...
Paul stands before King Agrippa and delivers his apologia pro vita sua...
Paul begins his journey to Rome, with the hope of appearing before...
The Alexandrian ship has wrecked on the shores of Malta. It is there...
This final scene of the book of Acts revisits themes developed...