Sermons in: To The Ends Of The Earth The Book Of Acts
Mike Stancak
This week the Church gathers to work out the implications of Gentile...
Mike Stancak
Paul and Barnabas continue on their first missionary journey...
Tyler Carrera
Acts 13 marks an important shift in the book of Acts—the Church begins...
David Niblack
The good news of Jesus is a powerful, life-changing message. But it’s...
Mike Stancak
Before the Church has barely internalized the implications of the...
Mike Stancak
Peter travels north into the coastlands and eventually to Caesarea...
Cooper Bryan
Luke's account in Acts chapter 9 contains the dramatic record of Saul's...
Mike Stancak
The Gospel makes its way to two converts, but the converts couldn't be...
Mike Stancak
The Christian movement suffers its first bout of persecution...
Mike Stancak
Stephen is brought before a kangaroo court to defend the claims of...
Mike Stancak
In this passage of Acts, the Church has seen enormous growth and now...
Mike Stancak
The events that started with the healing of the man at the Beautiful...
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