
Women's Ministry

Women’s Ministry at TCC is designed to help women seek the Lord in community, to grow in their knowledge and faith, and to use their gifts to serve the Lord and bless those around them. 

Women’s Ministry includes:

  • Groups that meet regularly, such as Bible studies
  • Monthly events, such as workshops and times for fellowship
  • Annual events, such as a fall retreat and the Christmas brunch

groups to join

Women’s Ministry offers two Bible studies, one on Thursday mornings and the other on Thursday evenings. These studies provide powerful times of studying Scripture, praying for each other and deepening relationships.

Thursdays 9:15-11 AM 
meets in the Community Room at TCC
childcare provided
Contact: Betsy Andersen

Thursdays 7 - 9 PM
meets every second and fourth Thursday 
Contact: Janet Stanczak

Women's Ministry Events

Monthly Events

Monthly Events

These events range from workshops to game nights to service projects. Recent topics for monthly events include prayer, fasting, parenting and using art as a way to reflect on Scripture. 

Through these events, women are encouraged to pursue God, learn new concepts and enjoy time with each other.

Annual Events

The fall retreat is a full day when women gather for an extended time with each other and the Lord. Worship, teaching, prayer and art are part of this special time that is set aside to seek God together.

The Christmas Brunch and Cookie Exchange is part of the holiday celebrations at TCC. Women invite friends and family to join them for a breakfast feast, holiday music and time to reflect on the Christmas season.

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Upcoming Events

Resources for Women's Ministry

Workshop on Fasting & Prayer
May 16, 2020 | Kristin Gumminger

Whether you have never practiced fasting as part of your prayer life or you regularly fast as...