A New Law for a New Kind of People
January 28, 2018 | Dan McIntosh
Passage: Matthew 5:1-12
Matthew, more than any Gospel writer, wants us to see Jesus as a New Moses who comes out of Egypt (Mt. 2:14), crosses through the waters of baptism (Mt. 3), and is tempted for 40 days in the wilderness (Mt 4:1-11). Like Moses Jesus has come to deliver his people from slavery, only this time the taskmaster is sin (Mt. 1:21). And finally, from a mountain (Mt. 5-7) Jesus gives his followers a new law, the promised new covenant, that will be ratified by his own blood on the cross. And he begins this new divine teaching, not with a list of rules, but with a list of qualities that will mark the new people of God living under God’s rule and blessing. What kind of people belong to the Kingdom of Heaven? Join us this Sunday as we begin the Sermon on the Mount and Beatitudes of Jesus.
Series Information
Matthew 3-7