The Unimaginable Commandment

The Unimaginable Commandment

March 04, 2018 | Mike Stancak

Passage: Matthew 5:38-48

What makes my life worth living?  When I am old, will I look back and measure the worth of my life by how much I was able to maximize my experiences?  In the United States we tend to live as though we exist simply to get the most our of life, and as a result we decide who to love according to who treats me best.  This Sunday we come to perhaps the most radical teaching of Christ, a teaching that is just as demanding today as it was when it was delivered to that crowd of disciples living under Roman occupation.  Coming to terms with Jesus’ words will bring us into confrontation with everything we’ve assumed about what it means to live the good life, and who it is that I am called to love.  But of course, Jesus never asks us to do anything he hasn’t done himself…

Series Information

Matthew 3-7

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Other sermons in the series

January 21, 2018

The King is Here

When Jesus came announcing that the “kingdom of heaven” was at hand, it...