A New Law for a New Kind of People – Part 2

A New Law for a New Kind of People – Part 2

February 04, 2018 | Dan McIntosh

Passage: Matthew 5:1-12

The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus’ great manifesto about life in the new Kingdom of Heaven that was dawning on the world with his arrival. And what’s new about this Kingdom isn’t primarily the laws that will govern it, but the people who participate in it. They are blessed. And the great triumph and blessing of the Kingdom of Heaven is that God is making its citizens into new people. People who follow the King from their heart. People who love God and his ways and live for Him and for others in their daily lives. Join us this Sunday as we continue to explore the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes of Jesus and the Kingdom.

Series Information

Matthew 3-7

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Other sermons in the series

January 21, 2018

The King is Here

When Jesus came announcing that the “kingdom of heaven” was at hand, it...