Series: To The Exiles
Living Well as Exiles
February 16, 2025 | Steve Mathewson
Passage: 1 Peter 2:11-25
Series Information

Passage: 1 Peter 2:11-25
Peter addresses his letter to exiles, in this case literally. But he...
Peter's letter is built on the resurrection hope. The Christian has...
Christians have been set apart for an inheritance in Christ, much like...
The Gospel is God's abiding message of salvation to his people. This...
Christians are aliens and exiles wherever we find ourselves in this...
In many ways, Peter's exhortations for wives and husbands follow a...
Peter draws his concluding thoughts on submission. Starting with...
Writing to persecuted Christians, Peter now instructs them on how to...
This week we continue to consider what it means to live as a witness to...
In a passage as comforting as it is often confusing, Peter recounts the...