Series: The Converted Imagination: Seeing the World through Christian Eyes
God's Purpose for Peoples
June 02, 2024 | Steve Bryan
Passage: Genesis 12:1-3
A fundamental feature of human existence is that humans are social beings. That fact inevitably results in the formation of groups. Those groups take many forms - ethnicities, nationalities, races, tribes, clans, and many more. The differences between such groups are part of what we mean when we speak about cultures. Everyone agrees that cultures exist. Everyone agrees that they are important. Cultures profoundly enrich us and tragically divide us. But why do they exist and what are they for? Our answers to those questions play a key role in shaping our imaginations. Those whose live with a converted imagination - an imagination shaped by Scripture - will live lives shaped by an understanding of God's purpose for peoples. It is a purpose accomplished through the gospel of a crucified and risen Messiah: to form one, holy people made up of all peoples who receive blessing from God, share blessing between peoples, and return blessing to God as worship.
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