Series: The Converted Imagination: Seeing the World through Christian Eyes
Life in Two Keys
May 26, 2024 | Steve Bryan
Passage: Luke 10:25-28
What is life? In recent years, many have claimed that the answer to that age-old question has been found. Ask any biochemist and they will tell you that the answer boils down to an awkward acronym—CHNOPS: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phospherous, and sulfur. Make sure its not too hot or too gold, get the gravity just right, add a little salt, water, a dash of lightning, and a long, long time, and you might just get a reaction between those six chemical ingredients that that might eventually produce life. (Warning: Don't try this at home!) But if you ask that same biochemist, "How's life?" chances are you're not going to get a status update on their personal carbon! Biochemists know as well as anyone that life in that sense is something more, something different.
In the Gospel of Luke, two individuals approach Jesus on two different occasions with the same question: "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Like the biochemist, they already had life in some sense. But both came seeking something different, something more. What were they looking for? Did they find it? What sort of life are you looking for? Have you found it?
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