Nothing But the Blood

Series: Lasting Things: A Series in Hebrews

Nothing But the Blood

March 07, 2021 | Mike Stancak

Passage: Hebrews 9:1-22

One of the most alienating things about the Bible to modern readers is it’s fixation on blood. The Scriptures are a blood drenched library. It’s enough to make money right Christianity off as a primitive leftover of the ancient past. But in reality, all of this blood is the clue to humanity‘s real condition before God. If we aren’t used to it today, it may only be because we have come to take the finality of Christ’s sacrifice for granted. This week we explore how Jesus satisfies the deepest need of humanity and stands in our place by his blood. 

download the order of worship

TCC Order of Worship, 3.07.21



Glorious Day

by Passion


Verse 1

I was buried beneath my shame 

Who could carry that kind of weight 

It was my tomb 'til I met You 

I was breathing but not alive 

All my failures I tried to hide 

It was my tomb 'til I met You 



You called my name and I ran out of that grave 

Out of the darkness into Your glorious day 

You called my name and I ran out of that grave 

Out of the darkness into Your glorious day 


Verse 3 

Now Your mercy has saved my soul 

Now Your freedom is all that I know 

The old made new Jesus when I met You 



I needed rescue my sin was heavy 

But chains break at the weight of Your glory 

I needed shelter I was an orphan 

Now You call me a citizen of Heaven 

When I was broken You were my healing 

Now Your love is the air that I'm breathing 

King of Love

By I Am They


Verse 1

The King of Love my Shepherd is whose goodness faileth never 

I nothing lack if I am His and He is mine forever, and He is mine forever 

Where streams of living water flow my ransomed soul He leadeth

And where the verdant pastures grow with food celestial feedeth 



Never failing Ruler of my heart 

Everlasting Lover of my soul 

On the mountain high or in the valley low 

The King of Love my Shepherd is 

The King of Love my Shepherd is 


Verse 2 

Lost and foolish off I strayed but yet in love He sought me 

And on His shoulder gently laid and home rejoicing brought me 

In death's dark veil I fear no ill with Thee dear Lord beside me 

Thy rod and staff my comfort still, Thy cross before to guide me 



Oh Hallelujah Hallelujah 

Oh Hallelujah Hallelujah 


Verse 3 

And so through all the length of days Thy goodness faileth never 

Good Shepherd may I sing Your praise Within Your house forever 

Within Your house forever 



Great Is Our God

By Young Oceans


Verse 1

Come let us praise Him 

Let us kneel at the throne of our God 

Through His Son our salvation was bought 

With mercy and grace. 

Come let us bow down 

In His hands are the depths of the earth 

With one voice we proclaim His great worth 

Lord our God 



And we will seek Him our Rock of Salvation 

Morning by morning with Thanksgiving we come 

And we will bow down with creation we cry out 

In daylight and darkness we sing to the Lord

Great is our God

Great is our God

Great is our God. 


Verse 2 

Lord of all nations We will stand at the end of our days 

In your courts and declare your great ways In Spirit and Truth 

We long for your kingdom Bring your thunder and gather the earth 

All who tremble will tell of Your worth Lord our God




Center/His Mercy Is More/Holy

Charlie Hall, Matt Papa, Matt Boswell, Traditional Hymn



Oh Christ be the center of our lives 

Be the place we fix our eyes 

Be the center of our lives 


Verse 1 

What love could remember no wrongs we have done 

Omniscient all knowing He counts not their sum 

Thrown into a sea without bottom or shore 

Our sins they are many His mercy is more 



Praise the Lord His mercy is more 

Stronger than darkness new every morn 

Our sins they are many His mercy is more 


Verse 2 

What patience would wait as we constantly roam 

What Father so tender is calling us home 

He welcomes the weakest the vilest the poor 

Our sins they are many His mercy is more 


Verse 3 

What riches of kindness He lavished on us 

His blood was the payment His life was the cost 

We stood 'neath a debt we could never afford 

Our sins they are many His mercy is more



Holy holy holy

Lord God Almighty

Early in the morning

Our song shall rise to Thee

Holy holy holy merciful and mighty

God in three Persons blessed Trinity

Holy holy holy

Lord God Almighty

All Thy works shall praise Thy name

In earth and sky and sea

Holy holy holy merciful and mighty

God in three Persons blessed Trinity


I Will Follow

By Jon Guerra



When the sea is calm and all is right 

When I feel Your favor flood my life 

Even in the good, I'll follow You 

Even in the good, I'll follow You 

When the boat is tossed upon the waves 

When I wonder if You'll keep me safe 

Even in the storms, I'll follow You 

Even in the storms, I'll follow You 



I believe everything that You say You are 

I believe and I have seen Your unchanging heart 

In the good things and in the hardest part 

I believe and I will follow You 

I believe and I will follow You 


Verse 2 

When I see the wicked prospering 

When I feel I have no voice to sing 

Even in the want, I'll follow You 

Even in the want, I'll follow You 


Verse 3 

When I find myself so far from home 

And You lead me somewhere that I don't wanna go 

Even in my death, I'll follow You 

Even in my death, I'll follow You 

When I come to end this race I've run 

And I receive the prize that Christ has won 

I will be with You in Paradise 

I will be with You in Paradise



Series Information

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